Update Firmware By Uploading The Latest Itunes To A Computer And Connecting The Phone To Said Computer.

There are iphone apps out app developer there for everything you could possibly think of. They can make life a whole lot easier when used correctly. In order to enable your iphone to ease your life rather than make it more stressful, continue reading.
Cut down the brightness of your display to save the battery. Do that by adjusting brightness in Settings to a reduced level. Lowering your phone’s brightness will help conserve battery life. 
Do you get too many notifications? There is an easy way to stop them. First, choose Settings. Then tap the bar for Notifications. Check the heading marked “In Notification Center” and take out any apps that you don’t need. This will not only cut down on the amount of notifications you receive, but will help your battery to last much longer.
The “X” button is not needed after each AutoCorrect suggestion. To eliminate this alteration, tap anywhere else on the screen. The box will instantly close.
Have you ever found yourself doubting your most recent entry into iMessage? Has the notorious Auto Correct messed with you again? No worries! Just shake your iphone! This is a quick way to undo typing. Since this feature is optional, you will have to enable it through the Settings menu.
Have you ever missed out on the perfect shot because you couldn’t bring up the camera app fast enough? Try this easy idea. Tap your Home button two times quickly if your screen is locked. Then you’ll see a camera icon at the bottom right. Tapping this button will automatically load your camera.
The Safari web browser on your phone acts just like a web browser on a desktop. It even allows you to save images from the web. If you find an image you want to preserve on your phone, simply tap it and hold it. This will go right into your Camera Roll after you save it. Alternately, you can copy the image into a text message.
Always stay on top of firmware updates for your iphone. This will not only ensure that your phone is up to date, but that you get better usage from your battery. Update firmware by uploading the latest iTunes to a computer and connecting the phone to said computer. You can also connect your iphone with iCloud to your computer.
Do not allow your phone to suggest words to you as you create messages. To end this feature, simply tap your iphone screen to quit the suggestion box. Now you do not have to press ‘x’ every time.
There is also a great time-based feature on the iphone which allows you to set time reminders like when to cook dinner. However, are you aware that you can also set location-based reminders as well? To utilize a location-based reminder, simply speak into your phone. Remember that your iphone has all different types of reminders that can come in handy for you.
If your friends own iPhones, you have probably seen their amazement when they discovered the device’s capabilities. In order to prevent this from happening to you, utilize all the information that you have just read.